Monday, July 29, 2019

Master Bath and a Band

We finally found someone we liked and could afford to do our master bath remodel.  I was so excited I started pulling wall paper off right away even though they wouldn't start in over three months!

When they gutted the bathroom and knocked down walls in the closet to make room for the shower, I couldn't believe how opened up it was.  Putting walls back up would soon ruin that feeling.  The bathroom is going to be much bigger though.

This bathroom was my Dad's.  He always had a leak from the shower that would drip on you when you got to the bottom step in the basement.  We could never figure out where that leak was coming from until the day of demo.  They found a small puncture in the shower water pipe probably from a clothes hook screw from the closet wall on the other side.  This leak would have never been found.

The window wall was causing a designing dilemma.  With a double vanity, how could I make it where the person on the right would look in a mirror instead of out the window?  I searched for a trough sink and found one, where the right faucet would be under most of the mirror but,  there wouldn't be room for a window frame.  So, we decided to use wood on the wall .  I call it tongue and groove instead of shiplap because I don't have a farmhouse.  The wood will be painted the same color as the walls. 

Our basement is the painting zone.

Our bedroom is the dust zone.

While this is all going on, we found out the TwoTakes band would be paying us a visit. They were on tour and our house was a perfect stop for them to stay for two nights.  Maggie's boyfriend Chase, is the bass guitar player.  Once Maggie heard they were coming, she bought a plane ticket to come up too!  So, eight people, one bathroom, and two bedrooms because our bedroom is considered part of the construction zone.

The guys took over the basement and didn't leave the house for two days.  They were just happy to be out of the camper, taking showers, doing laundry and having tea parties with Mom's china.

Construction continued on, and still is.  I think this is the sixth week.  When they are all done,
I will have before and after photos.


The glass shower wall and door came today! 

I can't wait to take pictures of the after photos! It may be another week though.

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