Tuesday, August 6, 2019

A Few Projects Going On

What am I standing under?

How excited I was to see a semi hauling a windmill blade stopped at a rest stop.  I have seen the semi's going down the interstate but have never seen one just sitting.  In a previous blog I talked about how much I am infatuated with these windmills.  They look like they are dancing in the wind.  Photos don't do it any justice as far as the size.  These are huge, and there were three semi's because there are three blades on a windmill.

Anyway, I thought I would blog about a few projects going on around here.  Of course the master bath is still being worked on but it keeps getting closer to being done.  The three to four weeks is now seven weeks and I think they probably have two more weeks to go.

In the spring when we were getting all that rain that caused all that flooding, I noticed water sitting up against the house in the back.  Water against a house is never good so when it rained, I would sit on the back porch and study the water puddle and how the water wanted to travel.  I decided it was time to dig a trench and direct the water where it wanted to go.

It was so muddy digging this trench that I almost lost my boots.

We split some hosta plants that were by the creek and planted them next to the trench.  How rewarding it is to see water flow down the dry bed and into the back hill.  Ducks even enjoy our new sanctuary for them, right under the bird feeders.

We decided to pull down the front porch railing.  It wasn't hard.  Mike did a karate kick and everything went flying. The poles were so water rotted, they were not even touching the concrete on the porch. We had to put blocks under them.  We had planned to have a new railing built but I am getting used to not having one at all.

Our flowers have grown since the above photo.

Janelle had so much rhubarb growing that I made three rhubarb strawberry crisps.  I don't have photos of that because I made it when the band boys were here and they ate it so fast I didn't have time to grab my camera.  But I did make some rhubarb syrup planning to make a cocktail but I like it on my pancakes better!

Our church had a craft day and I couldn't wait to go. I wanted to learn how to make baskets.  We had a pretty good turnout.

Marilyn, who taught us how to make baskets, said she drooled when she saw my spool of rope as I carried it in.  I wasn't sure it would work but it is perfect!  I found this spool of rope in the thrift store for next to nothing. I didn't buy it right away and then went home thinking I could find a use for it.   Mike and I went back the next day and he bought it for my birthday.  Who would have known two years later I would need all this to make baskets!

The basket I made at Church that day is still my favorite.

When I took it home to show Mike, he promptly placed it on his head.

Since I have so much rope, I decided to make a huge basket.

Some, but not all of my finished products.

I am hooked.  I can't stop making them.  Now, on to more baskets and other projects!

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