Saturday, May 6, 2017


Weeks ago I stopped by my favorite thrift store in Davenport, the DAV. I always thought DAV was for Davenport but years ago found out it mean't Disabled American Veterans. I was looking for a dining table. We moved one up from Georgia but it just isn't right for our not quite finished kitchen. So it will be my craft table in the basement. I was about to leave the store when I saw the round table top leaning on a bunch of other furniture. I found the base and the four feet and thought oh gosh, a barrel and what awful feet! Claws actually. I hated the base but it would work. I didn't think I wanted to pay the price on it either. When I asked the volunteer about it, he told me all furniture was 50% off!!  SOLD!
I discussed with my sisters that I planned to paint the top of the table so people would notice the top instead of the claws. Now that I look at the picture, they may be feet. Not sure anymore. What are those???  People would think I am crazy to paint such a beautiful table top. I didn't take a picture of it before paint and yes, that is the same color as the front door.  It would be easy to strip to get it back to the original wood, if anyone wanted to. What I am most excited about is the beautiful mechanism I found when Mike and I pulled it apart to put the leaf in.

One of the most exciting thing is the wood this table is made out of is the exact same as the built in hutch I was considering painting. I am so glad I waited on that. The final opinion count was six to leave the hutch wood, two to paint it.

The next day I took Mike to the DAV and we found these really cool swivel chairs which now sit in our bedroom.  50% off!

We also found a dresser for the spare bedroom. 50% off!

Last Friday I went to a twice a year sale at a non profit and found a green couch that I loved for $30. The problem would be how to get it home and it was faded to where I would probably have to re-upholster. This project didn't sound appealing to me so I walked away.  I did buy Mike a new desk chair because the one he is using will soon be one of our kitchen chairs, after I re-upholster them.

The chairs that will be our kitchen chairs were found at the dump years ago when my sister Sherry and I went there with her garbage. It was called a transition station and people would bring all kinds of things they didn't want anymore and you could just grab what you wanted for free. I always loved that place. You never knew what you would find. The below picture is one of the four I will be recovering with extra cool fabric for our kitchen table. 

I  told Mike we should head to the non profit sale the next day to see if that green couch was still there. It was and it had been marked down to $20. This was very appealing to me. Mike sat on it and said absolutely not. He sank too much.
We were on our way out when Mike noticed the gray couch and ottoman and in a second, a volunteer was over giving us a sales pitch. There was no way we could afford the gray couch. Plus, it wasn't what I envisioned for the living room, and how would we get it home?
The volunteer said it was donated by a wealthy family and the original cost was $6500.00. Yeah, right.  She said we could have it for a lot less than what they had on the ticket and we started bargaining. Mike loved the idea that all three seats leaned back and when he sat in it, I could tell he fell in love and it was the best thing ever, for his basement.  We bought it. We also had to rent a UHaul cargo van to get it home.

After we got it home, I looked it up online and sure enough, the couch is $5000 and the ottoman is $1000. We couldn't believe it. Who would spend that much money on a couch? It will be in the basement and I will just have chairs in the living room.

Somewhere in all of this thrifting we found two chairs for the living room. Not my favorite color but they match and they were not expensive and they didn't smell funny.

And a light fixture from our church garage sale. Not sure if this will go above the table or in the entrance of the house. Gary, this is on your list of things to do when you come visit, put in this light fixture.

I think we are done thrifting for awhile. Of course I may run across something without even looking for it.

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