Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Mother's Day

I joined the handbells at Church. My first practice was terrible and I couldn't see my notes. I didn't even know what my notes were. I still can't remember how to read music but, I can count! After that first practice the director moved me to two notes that I could figure out. The note above the top line of treble and the note above it with a line through it. Those turn out to be G and A. Below is a picture of the notes I first started with but then I took Jane's notes.

I don't know if you can tell from this page but I barely rang. The director said that is harder than playing all the time because you always have to wait and then know when to ring. Remember, I know how to count.

We played on Mother's Day and I only forgot to ring maybe three times. They were very important times and when I didn't ring, I lost my place. Luckily I knew the song enough to know another one of my very important parts was coming up. I rang and all was good. It was over before I knew it.
I played bells over ten years ago with teenagers. This was a little more difficult and was thrown right in with the experts. We don't start practice again until Fall.

After Church Mike and I went to his parent's farm to celebrate Mother's Day. I was really excited about having a home cooked meal, since I haven't cooked in months in a real kitchen. I enjoyed sitting at their table and watching Mike's mom cook for us! I should have taken a picture of her lovely large asparagus. YUM.

Here are some pictures of the farm. I love it here. Peaceful like my sister's place.

This is Janelle's garden. YUM again. Mike had to till one row to remember how it is done with that old piece of garden equipment. We ate radishes and asparagus that night.

This is their dog Shela. She is spoiled and very well loved. She prays out loud before getting a treat and she actually says Amen. She is a smart dog.

We were sitting on the patio when Mike noticed a very large furry animal going into the machine shed. We were not sure if it was a ground hog or something else like that. We headed down there to get it out. I had my camera in hand when it was to run out but it never did, so I went in and took pictures of other things.

I forgot to take a picture of what we gave Janelle for Mother's Day. It was a pot full of beautiful flowers from Stuart's greenhouse.

Janelle gave me a dead piece of a bush from her yard.

And I LOVE it!!!

The rose was given to me at church.  The vase I bought at a garage sale down the street and as I carried it home, the neighbors asked me if it was a beer mug.  I think it should be sometime.

This was the first Mother's day without my mom. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Maybe because I could still celebrate with Mike's mom Janelle.
I should have taken a picture of her! I did take a picture of Mike's Dad, Larry.

Happy Mother's Day Larry!

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