These past few days have been hard. A year ago May 22, my Mom died. I started thinking each day what had happened last year. The first sign something was wrong was when my sister Jo called and asked if I knew where Mom was. Jo had a feeling Mom was in the hospital. Jo had been talking to her every day since Dad died less than 60 days earlier. Jo couldn't get a hold of her and the last time they spoke, Mom wasn't feeling well. Mary confirmed Mom was in the hospital. Each day we would get a report and it always sounded like Mom would be able to go home until one day the Doctors asked for a family meeting. Sherry came down from Wisconsin, Mary lives here in Davenport, but Jo and I had to conference call with our cell phones. They were asking us what our wishes were. No feeding tube and we would take her home. I packed up my car and headed up early the next morning so that I could be there for a meeting with my sisters and the Hospice nurse at 4pm. Hospice was pushing for us to put her in their home but we all knew Mom wanted to be home. I even told them, and our minister who was also there, that I didn't want Mom to be upset and haunt me later if we didn't take her home. So it was decided she would go home the next day.
I was a little worried to see Mom so Sherry showed me a picture of her taken that day. I was happy for that because I was then prepared. Mom was awake and I believe she knew who I was. It was hard for her to communicate. I told her we were taking her home the next day and her eyes brightened as she was able to get out one question, tomorrow? I told her yes and she kept trying to say tomorrow.
She came home on a Saturday morning. Jo was to fly up that day but something happened to her flight, which I can't remember right now, where she didn't make it until Sunday. Mom had several visitors Sunday. Christine, the minister came over and sang hymns for an hour. It was beautiful. I listened to her while I was cooking supper for the four of us. After Christine left, I told my sister's it was time to eat. We left Mom alone for less than ten minutes when Sherry got up from the table to check on Mom. Mom had passed.
Mom waited for all of us girls to be there and then waited for all us out to be out of the room when she left. We all feel she died of a broken heart.
A little bit about Mom......
She grew up in the small town of Earlville, Iowa. My grandparents decided to move to California when Mom was in high school so she ended up graduating there, in Pomona. She played the clarinet in the band and was to play in the Rose Bowl Parade but that year the parade was canceled because of the war. She was disappointed. This is Mom in her band uniform.
They ended up moving back to Earlville and good thing they did so Mom could meet Dad. They met at a Lawrence Welk dance. Mike and I try to watch Lawrence Welk every Saturday. It brings back memories. Mom and Dad always watched it and so did Mike's parents.
Here she is so happy when she was dating Dad. I believe he took this picture.
And then this happened. Good thing they tried one more time for a boy because they got me!
She was a stay at home mom and spent a lot of time volunteering, playing the piano, and teaching the piano. She had so many students. We would have to stay in the basement or outside when students were over for their lessons. I always knew when a student made a mistake because those pieces were stuck in my head. She was still teaching piano the day before she went into the hospital. She tried to teach us but it just didn't work out.
I like the below picture of Mom on her 89th birthday. She looks so happy!
Unfortunately a few months later, a car backed into her as she was walking to her car in a Walgreens parking lot. She broke in three places. I thought that was it for her but she wasn't ready to go. I believe she thought they would never die. She was so strong willed that she recovered in less than four months. We were all amazed.
You can learn more about Mom around 7 minutes into this audio.
Mom and Dad were married 66 years. Dad was 89 when he died last year and Mom was 90 when she died 56 days after Dad.
They are together, once again.