Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Summer 2020 Is Over

What did we do all summer?

We colored and plastered the wall with our artwork.

Molly learned how to mow.

Molly and I climbed the M in Platteville, Wisconsin.  I have been driving by the M for over 35 years and have always wanted to stop and climb it. 

Chase and Maggie climbed mountains the same day!  When I was looking at photos, I was getting confused. At one point I was thinking Wisconsin sure has beautiful mountains, but I was looking at Georgia photos.

Be careful Maggie!!

We celebrated my 59th birthday. I had a hard time blowing out my candle.

Molly learned how to sew, first with masks and then she made a quilt!

I made a wall hanging.

Maggie bought her first car ever!

We went to the Lovers Leap Swinging Bridge in Columbus Junction Iowa.

Molly cut my hair.  First time in over 9 months!   



We celebrated Janelle's Birthday (Mike's Mom). Wish I could say I made that cake, but I can't, because I didn't.

I made tons of baskets for the craft fair that was cancelled for this November. I will have plenty for next year!

We played putt putt.  I won.

We hiked a five mile trail near Iowa City.

This trail was a little hard for Mike when we approached and crossed down trees from the Derecho.  He was hitting his head and tripping.  Molly and I were starting to worry about him so we helped guide him under branches and would let him know when he could stand up.

Near the trail is the Devonian Fossil Gorge so we stopped and looked at ocean fossils from the age of Iowa being an ocean. 

Now we are getting ready for fall fun. 

Can you find two cats in the following photo?

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