Monday, June 4, 2018

Maggie Graduated!

Two months since I have blogged!  I have so much to write about but, after sitting in front for a computer all day at work, I have no desire to sit at one when I get home. Today is Elizabeth day. The first day in two weeks that I didn't have anything planned and could do whatever I wanted to do. How fun today has been so far. Now I have time to write!

For almost a year now, I have been gathering unwanted items from my family to hold a garage sale this spring.  This was the pile when I first started.

This is what it turned out to be. Our sale in April.

The following photo is day two. I have decided if I have another sale, I will only have it on Friday, not Saturday. Hardly anyone came on Saturday so, we had a lot left. We donated the leftovers to our Church for their garage sale which was held the next weekend. Mike was very happy to get all of this out of his basement.

This is what my kitchen looked like before the sale, with last minute pricing.

It was important for me to get this sale over with because we had a trip planned to the south for Maggie's graduation from Young Harris College. She actually graduated in December, a semester early, but the school doesn't have a winter ceremony.  Mike and I were really excited to see our girls, my sister Jo too! 
When I picked Molly up in Atlanta, we decided to stop in her College town, Dahlonega, Georgia, to see how much the campus had changed in four years. There were some new buildings but I wanted a picture of Molly with a famous older building.

 Time to get ready for the ceremony!

After the ceremony, we went to a park to hike in our nice clothes (except me, I changed).

The following photo is of Chase, trying to figure out how to get in the wheel to be like a hamster.  When I wasn't looking, he actually did get in and started to wheel, but then jumped out before it became too fast for him. Good thing he jumped out, we didn't want a hurt Chase while we were celebrating Maggie's graduation!

We then headed to the Brewery in the small town of Hayesville close to Blairsville, where we were staying in our favorite mountain motel. This Brewery is the one we found accidentally last time we were in the area. The owners are from Wisconsin.

When we were walking in, we noticed succulents. I wondered if these Wisconsin folks bought them at my sister Sherry and her husband Stuart's greenhouse and hauled them all the way back to the south.

I included the following photo for two reasons.  Maggie's shirt says the same thing that is above left of Molly in the previous photo ( Maggie told me a story that she once had this Tee shirt on and a woman came up to her and told her how happy she was that she found God) and, this is the second time people (my sister this time) had their back to the camera.  Pay no attention to the dent in my sister's car!

After our breakfast at the "Hole in the Wall",  we headed to Athens where we would stay for a couple of nights in an AirBNB in the same complex where Maggie and Chase live.  Here is Mike and Molly relaxing with their cell phones.

The next day, Molly and I spent many hours on the UGA campus visiting friends and former colleagues. It was good to see everyone.

Then it was time for our adventure to end.  The one bad thing about visiting the girls, is leaving them. It is always sooooo sad for me.

On the way home we saw Maggie the cow. When we got home, everything was so green and the grass was extremely long.  After a 13 hour drive home, Mike mowed the lawn.

I am going to try my best to keep up with the stories, I have so many more to tell.

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