Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I See Dirt (and other random thoughts)

My other eye has had it's surgery but before I talk about that, I wanted to talk about the two weeks before this eye was worked on. This is the time between my first surgery and second.  In my last post I mentioned how difficult it was to see. My struggles became worse!

I found that I couldn't hardly do anything. I couldn't read, I couldn't paint, I couldn't write a blog, I couldn't see the computer. Actually I could do a little bit of these but would end up with a headache.  I definitely could not drive. I drove a couple of blocks to a garage sale and I became so paranoid that I was going to drive over a person.  I had no depth perception.  One time I went to pick something off the floor and my hand just kept waving over it. I decided to just sit and do nothing. That ended up lasting a couple of days before I felt like I was going berserk.  I realized I could watch a lot of  Netflix before getting a headache.  So that is what I did. I also took many long naps.

Here are a few other things I did during those two weeks.

I tried cooking. Everything in this picture is from Janelle's garden.

I went to a Zither concert where they dedicated a song to my Mom. She was one of the founding members of the Zither group that started in 2002. I wondered what that empty table was for and then someone placed the rose on it. I decided it was for mom. Both of my eyes cried.

I hung out with the neighbors during the eclipse. We looked at it through a welder's mask. I could see it pretty good with my good eye.

I took pictures of my cats.  They love the new used patio furniture my sister gave us.

I watched Mike work hard in the yard.

We went to the farm for a weekend to hang out with Mike's Dad, Larry, while his mom Janelle, went to visit her sister in Kansas.
We looked at the 1971 Mach 1 Mike drove in the 70's.  It is stored in the old chicken coup.

I learned about grain bins. I also learned you can store your Halloween and Christmas decorations in them when you don't use them for grain anymore.

I went to a cemetery I have never been to before, where Mike's grandparents are.

I was taking a nap when Mike dug up these potatoes. I did help him wash them.

I found many tomatoes in Janelle's garden. It looked like she grew too many and some where not going to make it. I saved them and made soup.

Finally it was time for my second eye surgery. I was so excited!  It wasn't as cool as the first one though. I didn't see blue worms or Lucky Charms Marshmallows.  I figured my dominant right eye took over and only allowed for me to see what it was seeing, boring walls.

But now I see dirt! Even though I think I keep a clean house (or I should say Mike does) I still see things I have never seen before, like dirt in the corners. I also see all the places I missed when painting. I see things far away and I don't wear glasses.  I was worried about people seeing my face after all of these years of hiding behind glasses but now I am proud of the bags under my eyes and my smile wrinkles.

BUT......I need reading glasses to see up close.  This is totally opposite of my vision my entire life. I still catch myself holding something up close to see but no, I can't see it.  I think my brain is starting to understand and I am getting used to it.

Since I can see again, we have started up the projects.  It has started to get cold so we thought we had better get the back porch painted before the snow comes.

With my readers ready,  I started painting the inside of the porch while Mike did the steps.

We took  a day off from painting to have Larry and Janelle over for her birthday party.

We then took another day off to go to Lisbon for the Lisbon Police pancake breakfast. These are big events in Iowa!

What is really exciting.....I drove to Lisbon!

We passed the World's Largest Truck Stop.

We came and went to the Kum and Go.

We saw a tractor filling up.   This is probably a common thing in Iowa but I don't think I ever saw this in Georgia.

Having 20/20 eyesight is showing me a whole new world!

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