We had a white Christmas. Thank goodness everyone made it here before the snow did. Molly really enjoyed it (she lives in Florida) and helped shovel many times. Maggie and Chase were more content in our cozy home with the new furnace.
We were able to go downtown to the Front Street Brewery the next day to have a beer and look at the river. While we were there, we saw many bald eagles flying over the Mississippi. After our beer, we ran to the river and then back to the car. It was freezing cold.
Christmas Eve was an evening of Church ( I played handbells not very well) and opening presents.
It was extremely late when we were finished. Someone fell asleep backwards on the chair.
We had pancakes Christmas morning.
Then we posed for a Christmas photo.
We then had to get ready for Mike's parents to come for Christmas lunch. I put Chase in charge of the cheese and cracker plate. He did a fine job.
I made a last minute decision to unpack Mom's but now Maggie's china. Mom brought this out for very special occasions. I still have it because Maggie doesn't have room for it in her Georgia condo.
I am not sure if Maggie will get it back because I have found that tea parties are fun. We had one the next morning.
It was great having everyone here for over a week! Since we were all together, I decided we should invite family over to celebrate Maggie graduating from Young Harris College.
We catered from Moe's and had wonderful tofu nacho bar. I can't believe I didn't take pictures of all the food. It was amazing and good. I felt no stress preparing for this party because of the catering and could spend more time with guests.
We were excited that Matthew Sproston, a cousin of the girls, our nephew, was able to come. The girls hadn't seen Matthew in over 15 years.
After the guests left, except for cousin Brice, it was time for pool and dart tournaments. I will mention right away that Mike won both the pool and the dart tournaments.
Things started to get a little crazy so Mike and I decided to let the kids continue their fun while we went on to bed. Mike had to get up at 3am to shush them!
The next day, Maggie and Binx checked on Chase while he slept most of the day.
This was New Year's Eve day and we had a day of doing nothing. While we waited for midnight, Molly and I decided to make our faces pretty.
When midnight came, we did our traditional point at the clock photo and then went to bed.
It was really sad to have everyone head back south after this week of fun and freezing cold.
I was happy to get back to work so I could keep my mind off of how quiet and lonely the house was.
I want to end this blog with cat stories. Maggie and Chase brought their new kitten up with them but had to leave it in their bedroom because of a skin condition we didn't want Pete and Binx to get. Maude needed baths every other day to help her problem.
Here she is after her bath.
While everyone was here, I thought it would be a great idea to get a family photo done by our friend Kelly, who is an excellent photographer.
Kelly adopted Mom and Dad's cat, Buddy. We were all excited to see Buddy again. He looked so happy when he came out to greet all of us. I should have taken a photo then but I was too excited to see him and played with him instead. When I went back into the house to find him and take a picture, he did want to leave the vent under the dresser.
We are so happy that Buddy found the right home!