Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Birds and the Trees

In the post in March about my Dad, I mentioned the bird. Here is the story.

When I was here in this house for the two weeks I took care of Dad, I would sometimes here a loud clunk. I would run to where my Dad was because I always thought it sounded like he had fallen. He would usually ask for help when he needed to get up but on a good day, he would sometimes get out of his chair by himself. So the clunk, or I guess it was more of a bang, would always scare me. I would look in on Dad and he would be sitting quietly in his chair each time. I thought the house was breaking. It was a mystery. One day I was watching Jeopardy with him in his bedroom. I would sit on a bench in front of the window, with Dad sitting beside me in his chair. This is a picture of the window and bench after both Dad and Mom passed. Dad's recliner was where the black rocker is.  Maggie and I were trying to be quiet in the early morning hours before driving back to Georgia. My sisters were in the other rooms sleeping. I ran around taking pictures because it would be the last time the house would be exactly how Mom and Dad had it. The next time we would be in the house would be for the estate sale. I will blog about that later.

Anyway, I was watching Jeopardy with Dad when the bang happened, and it was right behind me on the window. I jumped and looked out. There was a very large robin looking at me sitting in the tree that is very close to the window.  It then started squawking.

There isn't a robin in the above picture. I was trying to show how close this tree is. The below picture may show it a little better. The branches were actually touching the house and window but Mike got the saw out.

When the robin was yelling at me, I told Dad about it. He wondered what kind of bird it was. I told him it was a robin and he couldn't believe it because of the size. It was very large.  Dad said the bird had been banging on the window for several days. When I mentioned this to my friend, he suggested the bird saw his reflection and thought it was another bird he wanted to play with. That made sense.

But then I realized where ever my Dad was in the house, the bird would be at that window. If Dad was sitting in the front room where he liked to read the paper, the bird would bang on that window. If Dad was in his bedroom, the bird would be at that window. It was pretty amazing, and loud.

On that Easter Sunday morning when Dad died, my sisters heard that banging on the front room window. Mary walked in and told the bird that Dad was gone. We never saw it again.

We believe that bird was a messenger from Dad's friends and family that had already passed, to let Dad know it was okay to go. They were waiting for him.

A few days later when we were driving to the cemetery for Dad's burial, my sister Jo received a text from her daughter Meredith. Meredith had not heard the story about the robin and we were very surprised to hear Meredith's story.  She had a dream the night before about a bird and  was told to make a birdhouse for it.  Meredith woke that morning and saw a morning dove on her partial balcony railing. She said birds never land or sit on that railing. She thought it was odd that she had that dream and then the bird showed up. We had to call her right away and tell her Dad's bird story. She couldn't believe it!

When Mom passed, the Hospice nurse and I were sitting on that bench in the bedroom as  my sisters sat on the bed. It became dark outside as we waited for the funeral home guys to come.  We were telling the nurse about Dad's bird when a bird started singing very loudly outside that same window. We all thought that was pretty cool and a little unusual for a bird to still be up and singing in the dark.

The morning after Mom passed, I was in the bedroom when I heard my sister Sherry whisper yell my name from the kitchen. I stopped to make sure I knew what I was hearing when she whisper yelled again. I went into the kitchen too late to see what she wanted me to see. Mary was sitting with Sherry when two Baltimore Orioles flew to the railing in front of the dining room window. The male stayed on the railing while the female flew to the window sill and started pecking on the glass. They flew away when I walked in. We decided it was Mom and Dad letting us know they were back together and everything was fine.

One last note about trees. For some reason, Mom loved to plant trees and bushes really close to the house. We have been cutting and trimming like crazy, the whole time with Mike shaking his head as to question why she would do such a thing.

I found this picture of Mike and my Dad digging holes where Mom wants the trees and bushes planted. My Mom wrote 1994 on the back.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Been Too Busy to Blog

 On June 10th Mike, Maggie, and I picked up Janelle in Lisbon (Mike's Mom) and headed to Marion to a family wedding. I took my camera in and only took pictures of the couple's dog in a tux, and it is blurry.

I decided not to carry my camera into the reception since I wasn't taking  many pictures anyway. Yes, I use a camera because my phone is a flip phone and if you have been trying to call me, I haven't looked at my phone for over a month.

Good thing they had a photo booth at the reception so you could see how much fun we were having.
This picture is a picture of a picture. That is why it's  blurry. I promise I only had two beers and it didn't bither me a bot.

 Monday, Maggie's  boyfriend Chase flew in to spend a week with us, and Maggie of course.  It has been non-stop this past week.
After we picked Chase up from the famous Moline airport ( I saw the airport on one episode when the Pickers flew home), we went straight to the Olive Tree Cafe. Excellent Mediterranean food. When the food was placed in front of us, we dug in and I forgot to take a picture, except for this one.

Tuesday we headed back to Wisconsin for Chase to meet my sister Sherry and her family. Before we got to their house, we stopped at the Grumpy Troll in Mount Horeb to try some appetizers and a flight of their craft beer. We ordered a pretzel the size of a pizza, fried green beans, and the all time favorite, fried mac and cheese bites.

Mount Horeb, Wisconsin is know for their trolls. They are everywhere and if you believe in them, they come to life.

Here is a picture of some of the many trolls to be found in town.

And this is their house.

My sister also has a collection of trolls. These are the ones that are no longer in production. That cute little baby in the framed photo is NOT a troll.

My sister has many other dolls. We decided to show Chase her collection.

I remembered there was an ancient cemetery down the road from Sherry and Stuart's  house. We decided to check it out.

There were a few names on the monument and then ended with "and many children". It was a little eerie to know they were all around us.  I decided to lighten it up a bit and do the chicken dance.

Actually, I don't know what I am doing in the picture below.

Wednesday morning we went to the cheese store. We really had a great time there and bought all kinds of cheeses. Maggie and Chase sat on Cow Patty.

We then headed to Dubuque. Mike and I met while attending the University of Dubuque and we always like to drive through campus when we have the chance. Somebody donated tons of money and we hardly recognize it anymore.

We wanted to take Chase on the 4th street elevator but it was closed for repairs. We will have to do that some other time. We did find Jubeck New World Brewery.

You may be able to tell the beer flight holder is an actual airplane. The owner also graduated form the University of Dubuque. They have an aviation program at the school.

Thursday we went back to Mike's parents farm. Besides having Chase see the farm and hang out with Mike'a parents, we wanted him to experience the Sutliff Bridge and Tavern.  There is a lot of history with both the bridge and tavern and a fun place to go with the best fried appetizers ever!  One time we went in the winter and we were all excited to see it wasn't busy because there were no cars in the parking lot. When we walked in, it was packed full of people. We didn't understand until we looked out the side window and saw all the snowmobiles! People snowmobile up the Cedar River and stop at the tavern to have lunch and a beer.  This was one of my Mom's favorite places and even had her 90th birthday party here. Dad's 90th was planned to be here too, but he died a few months before his birthday. The tavern encourages  patrons to sign and  staple dollar bills to the ceiling.

You can see that Maggie had been there years earlier.  I have no idea where my bill is. I put mine up probably 30 years ago.

We ordered many fried appetizers.
Mac-n-Cheese Bites
Two orders of Fried Dill Pickles
Cheese Balls

After we ate, we headed out on the bridge. Mike tells the story about how he drove tractors and wagons of corn over the bridge and he would hope the boards, which popped up, would not break. His dad once got a combine stuck on the bridge.

The Bridge is on the National Registry of Historic Places and once had a movie with a scene on the Bridge  http://www.mvlsun.com/article.php?viewID=149

This is a picture of Maggie and Chase after we ate. We ate so much, along with a couple of beers that we  were all feeling miserably full, as you can tell from Maggie'a face.

There was a huge flood in 2008 where the river took park of the bridge downstream but it was rebuilt.

We headed home and thank goodness Mike drove because we all had to take a nap in the car. We had to prepare for another Bandits game Thursday night. The Bandit raccoon was very excited to have his picture taken with Chase and Maggie.

Friday it was back to LeClair Iowa for another stop at the Pickers and the distillery. Mike and I didn't want to go on the distillery tour again so we decided to go to the Buffalo Bill Museum.  Bill Cody was from LeClair Iowa. The museum had tons of period pieces in it and we didn't have enough time to stop and look at everything but, we had a great time going through the steam boat.

Then off we were to the Green Tree Brewery for a flight and a beer. Then off we were back to Davenport to the Front Street Brewery. The picture below is Maggie trying a stout, which she didn't like.

We decided which beer we wanted to order and headed outside. This brewery is right next to the Mississippi river and we had a great time. 

Chase likes to be silly in pictures.

We just had one day left together, Saturday. We were going to have a nice calm, relaxing day before Maggie and Chase drove back to Athens, Georgia on Sunday but then we remembered we wanted to go to the Rock Store, the Farmers Market and the Front Street Brewery Restaurant. 

The Farmers Market had too many people and it was really hot so we didn't stay long. The restaurant didn't open for another half hour so we spent our time on the skywalk. We decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator because all of us had gained five pounds each from all the beer and cheese we had been eating. 

We forgot to go to the rock store and Maggie was so disappointed. We will have to go the next time she is in town.
We had the best spinach artichoke dip and cheddar ale soup at the Front Street Brewery restaurant, and beer.

Saturday night we were able to relax with games of pool, ping pong, and darts.

Sunday morning, Fathers Day, Maggie and Chase headed home. Pete was very sad.

I was so sad and felt extremely lonely. Even though they wore me out, I miss them.  One day I was so worn out I told them I needed a ten minute rest. Maggie grabbed my camera and caught this picture of me. We decided I look like a dog.

I was happy to go back to the farm to celebrate Father's Day with Larry. I had been walking in circles in the house after Maggie and Chase left so leaving was the best thing.
Janelle had a very nice lunch ready and the grilling was left up to Mike. It took three people to start the grill.

 I have been busy and now I am exhausted. 
Time to work on the house.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Kitchen Is Done! (almost)

Just a few things left for the contractor to finish up.  One cabinet door above the stove makes a funny noise when opened. One drawer was too short so they reordered the drawer but now the handle has to be drilled in. The lazy Susan doesn't turn because the shelf is sitting on the water and electric line. There is a big gap from the uneven wall to the backsplash that needs to caulked. I could fix all of these things but I will let them do it since I paid to have everything done.

Here are the before and after pictures.

This is when you first walk in the front door.

 Good thing Maggie is here so we could reenact this picture!

The living room (above) is still a mess and I am not sure how to set that up yet. Those before and afters will have to be later.

The following are pictures of just the after.

The next project is to reupholster the kitchen chairs.

I wanted to mention we spent a day in LeClair, Iowa. Guess where we are in this picture.

If you guessed the American Pickers, you are right. If you didn't know, they are from LeClaire. I didn't know this until my Dad told me a few years ago. He went with a friend and met Mike. Dad didn't know who Mike was. Now it seems to be more of a tourist place.

We then went here.

We went on the tour to learn all about alcohol and met these people on the tour.

Turns out they are from Lisbon and are good friends of Mike's parents. We sat down afterwards and did shots of bourbon with them.
We ended up purchasing a few items.

Say Iowish cream out loud and it will make you laugh.
We then went to the brewery and tasted all 15 beers. This filled us up and we sat there burping the whole time.

LeClaire has a winery too but after a distillery and a brewery, we decided we had better not go there. Plus, I was the designated driver and my favorite is wine.